Think about a time you called your cell phone, cable, or health insurance company, or any of your major service providers. Most likely, you dialed their number and a robotic, automated voice answered the call and began taking you through a menu of options. It probably sounded something like … [Read more...] about The powerful potential of voice in your business
The hidden benefit to defining your personal brand
When you’re in the business arena, it’s common to hear about how important it is to define your personal brand. Creating a personal brand for your business is the best way to stand out from the crowd, get known, and grow, after all. And while it’s easy to talk about the benefits of personal … [Read more...] about The hidden benefit to defining your personal brand
Are you shooting from the hip in your business?
Sometimes running a business (or even just living in general!) can feel a little like the Wild West. You’re up to your eyeballs in things to do and you’ve got ideas rumbling around in your brain you just know you should be acting on, but finding the time to do them is often tough. … [Read more...] about Are you shooting from the hip in your business?
Relationship Coach Melissa Josue Launches Site to Provide Strategies and Support to Women Looking for Meaningful, Committed Relationships
At brandiD, we love finding things to celebrate, daily. What we love even more? When we get to celebrate a personal brand coming to life online. The brandiD Celebrates column here on the blog spotlights the launch of our clients’ online headquarters. Today we’re singing happy (online) birthday to … [Read more...] about Relationship Coach Melissa Josue Launches Site to Provide Strategies and Support to Women Looking for Meaningful, Committed Relationships
Four Tools to Help You Build Your Personal Brand
Look at any business owners to-do list or big-picture goals, and you’re likely to see “branding” on there somewhere. As it should be. Nailing down your brand and articulating it in a cohesive and clear way is one sure-fire strategy to take your business to the next level. Way more than just a … [Read more...] about Four Tools to Help You Build Your Personal Brand
Four tips to help you achieve your business goals
We all have goals in business and in life—some big, some small. It’s probably safe to say you’re aware of plenty of tips and strategies for setting those goals, because the dreaming and scheming about how you’d like to grow in your business is the easy part, right? But the actual goal-achieving … [Read more...] about Four tips to help you achieve your business goals