The early days of any entrepreneur’s journey are filled with so many questions.

How do I get clients?
What do I charge?
How do I grow an audience on social media or get new subscribers to my list?
But there tends to be one question that gets asked even more than the rest:
Do I REALLY need a website?
It’s a fair question to ask. As a new entrepreneur, you’ve got a tight budget to keep in mind. The cash flow hasn’t really started flowing yet, and every expense tends to feel like a burden.
It’s tempting to avoid spending any of the precious moola you may have earned on a website.
But while you might be able to avoid having a website at the start of your business, one thing is for sure: it’s nearly impossible to achieve any real growth in your business without one. That’s because one of the first questions a potential client will ask you is, what’s your web address? You are always just a 3 second Google search away from the answer to that question.
A website build authority
When you’re prospecting for clients, a website gives you a professional destination that makes your business shine above those without one. A website is an online “storefront” for your personal brand that tells the world you’re officially in business. It legitimizes your business, helps prospects take you seriously, and makes learning about you and your services a breeze.
Without a website for your personal brand:
—> You have nowhere to send new prospects or referrals who say “send me more info about your business”
—> You have no chance of showing up in an online search when someone is looking for your services
—> You have nowhere for your social media followers to go to learn more about you and become your next client
—> You have nowhere that showcases the past work you’ve done so that prospects get excited about your impact
—>And you have nowhere to capture email addresses of future clients
Having a website gives you full control over how prospective clients find you and what information they learn. It allows you to create consistent messaging, display your services and testimonials the way you want them to appear, and make it easy to contact you for more information.
A website helps you attract prospects
With your business website firmly in place, you can get strategic about your lead engine. Do you want to have a strong social presence? You can point your posts, stories, and videos back to your website for consistency and clarity. A website also gives you access to other marketing channels like organic search. The content you create, and house on your website can help you get found by more people looking for the kinds of services you offer.
A website protects you from change on other platforms
I’m sure you’ve heard countless times from countless places how powerful social media can be for growing your following and promoting your business.
But what we don’t hear enough about is how risky it can be.
Sure, we know the algorithms change, which makes it tough to consistently reach our people…
…but we aren’t reminded enough about the fact that our social platforms have the potential to flat-out go away. Poof—gone.
The thing with social media is you don’t own your contacts—the platform does. And if you get locked out of your account or the algorithm shifts,
your following (potential clients) can vanish at any moment, and there’s no way to get them back (or contact them).
That’s why it’s so important to have online real estate that’s 100% yours — like a website and an email list.
A website automates your lead funnel
Your website is the perfect place to have an email opt-in so people can join your email list and receive messages from you that keep you top of mind. As your foundation of subscribers grows, so does your ability to market to an audience that’s completely yours and not manufactured by social media.
Instead of building your business on social media, use it to drive traffic to YOUR online real estate, including your website and your list.
When you use social media in that way, you’re taking advantage of its undeniable value without putting yourself at risk—and making sure your business is here to stay and grow for a long, long time.
A website is your online “storefront” that tells the world you’re officially in business. It legitimizes you, helps prospects take you seriously, and makes learning about you and your services a breeze. Read more: Share on XCreating a website for your business
The best news, though, is that creating a website doesn’t have to be expensive—especially at the beginning!
As a new business owner, you don’t need an intricate website with every bell and whistle known to man. You can achieve ALL of the benefits with a simple one-page site.
It’s extremely affordable and can be everything you need for the early stages in your business, while also having the capability to add onto as your business grows and expands.
We believe in the power of a one-page site so strongly that we created a special service just to meet this need.
There’s a do-it-together option and also a done-for-you package, and both were created with the budget-conscious in mind to get you up and running with your website in just a week.
So…the answer to the common question of “Do I REALLY need a website?” is a hard-and-fast YES, YES, YES!
It will be a critical piece of your business foundation as well as your own little piece of internet real estate where you can start making a name for yourself and your business online.
You’re just 7 days away from your new business website
We remove the overwhelm and worry and hand YOU a beautifully designed and ready-for-sales website that grows with you as your business scales. So you can show up like a pro, grow your list & attract clients online with ease.
About The Author

Rachel Gogos is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for people, the web, and creating strong personal brands. She started her career at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, where she helped create the look and feel for the organization’s first website. Today, in her current role running brandiD, Rachel channels over 15 years of marketing and communications experience into each and every website for brandiD’s clients. Find out more!