Ladi Goldwire believes that women’s innate skills are a valuable asset in typically male-dominated fields like construction.
Ladi Goldwire is a State licensed General Contractor and Building Code Administrator certified through the International Code Council. She is vigilant in her pursuit of those business and partnership opportunities which offer favorable and equitable positions for everyone, specifically persons of color.
Ladi has served as Principal for BrinMar Construction and Development Group Ltd, a full-service construction firm since its inception in 2008. She also is the owner of The Permit Ladi, a robust permit mitigation firm that serves the South Florida area.
She has discovered a passion for hemp building materials as a means to more sustainable and economical construction.
After decades working within the framework of the construction industry, Ladi is focusing on advocacy work for building better buildings, cities, connections and communities.
Know yourself to find your path.
Despite the push for her to attend college, Ladi Goldwire didn’t envision herself spending four years in a classroom. She wanted to get her hands dirty.
After watching her father work in construction, Ladi decided to explore a career in the construction industry. She understood that job experience and hands-on work were what truly excited her and pursued those experiences with dogged determination. Breaking away from the mold, Ladi set an example of what life can look like when we see beyond the expectations of others.
Women belong in trades.
Ladi is on a mission to encourage more women to go into trades. She makes the case that women’s mindfulness, attention to detail, compassion, futuristic thinking and conviction have the power to transform communities through work in trades.
“I learned from the bureau of labor and statistics that there are only 36,000 general contractors registered in the country. 9% of those 36,000 are women. And only 3% of that number are women of color. Effectively, there are only 97 of us operating at the capacity and level that I am.”
“There is space for women: The way we think and the way we do business.”
“We can create more seats at this phenomenal table.”
“Being able to establish my own business and my own hours, being able to call my own shots, that was the best gift of being able to work in a trade and vocation.”
“My goal right now is to encourage more women to join the ranks because we need them there. Desperately.”
“Most people don’t start a business from the sole standpoint of wanting to make money. They’re starting a business because they want to make a stamp on the world, some way, somehow.”
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Read Ladi’s interview with Candice Georgiadis of Authority Magazine here:

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