Success Using Sales Funnels in eCommerce
With Ann Sieg
Meet the Guest
This week’s guest is Ann Sieg, an acclaimed author, and entrepreneur. Nearly losing everything, this life experience opened up a new world of opportunity for Ann. She took a failing business, refocused on doubling-down on her side-hustle, and took her business from $2,000 a month to $90,000 per month in three months.
Starting Out with Direct Sales
Ann first started as a new mom with direct sales businesses, her first being Mary Kay. She wanted to earn some extra money. Ann then started exploring other direct sales businesses and later worked together with her husband in several companies together.
Homeschooling her three sons, she taught them about entrepreneurship and business sales. After failing with direct sales, her son suggested that she go online and find her target audience.
Finding a mentor, Ann started moving forward by partnering with her son, and they ended up doing $20 million in sales together over the next ten years. From here, Ann and her son, along with her team, started their first eCommerce business.
Discover how Ann built her original sale funnel with a free eBook, how she converts her initial clients into $5K clients and conversion rates, and how she injects her personal brand into her school and teaching.
Here’s your highlight guide to the episode:
[02:03] How Ann created the eCommerce Business School.
[04:45] Finding her target audience online in 2007.
[10:42] Why the business Ann and her son created was so successful.
[19:52] The science behind the success of her funnel with an application level.
[21:54] How her baby boomer female niche develops instant trust with her tribe.
“The partnership with my son was amazing because we turned our business into a family economy .”
“Every time you do something in business you have to evaluate what works and what you’ll do differently next time .”
“We had the right message to the right people.”
Links mentioned in this episode:
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