If there’s one word that should be synonymous with starting a business, it’s “whirlwind.”
Maybe you’re in the process of starting a business right now—and you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the things…the logistics, legal pieces, and financial aspects, not to mention landing clients, serving clients, and marketing.
Then there’s your branding to worry about—oi!
With all the other things that need to be figured out, set up and managed, the personal branding of your business can easily get swept up in the chaos and be handled haphazardly.
But if there’s ONE thing you can do to find success with your branding it’s this: take the time to get clear on your “why.”
Now, we know…if there’s one thing you don’t have it’s time, but where your personal branding is concerned, you gotta find some. Your branding is so important—it’s the bedrock of your business.
Taking the time to be proactive and thoughtful about your brand—and specifically to get clear on why you started your business—will be the anchor to keep you going when rough patches come (and they will come!).
Your “why” will be the driving force behind the fundamentals of your business, like your mission, your vision, and your core values. These are the things that truly build your brand and set you apart from the rest.
And your “why” will also be the thing—when communicated effectively—that attracts customers and clients to you like glue. Because when people fully understand why you’re doing something, they are way more likely to support you, both with sales and continued loyalty.
Your “why” will be the thing—when communicated effectively—that attracts customers and clients to you like glue. Find out how The brandiD can help: Share on XSo, how do you find your “why”? Here’s a tip:
Don’t just grab the first “why” that comes to mind. Dig deep.
Start with the most obvious “why” you have, then keep asking the question, “But why do I want that?” Write down your answer, and then ask the question again. Do this over and over until you truly come to the root of your deepest “why.” Chances are when you’ve found it, you’ll feel it.
For example, when brandiD founder Rachel Gogos first started brandiD, her “why” was to do work that fulfilled her. But the more she reflected and dug deeper and deeper into her “why,” she uncovered it in its truest, most meaningful form. Her deepest “why” is to show her two daughters that it’s possible to be a present, loving mom while also having a successful, thriving career—one that knows no limits in terms of growth and where she can make a big impact in other people’s lives.
Rachel’s “why” is so important to her that it anchors her no matter what her business throws her way. It truly is the bedrock of her business, guiding her through any challenge.
Your “why” can be the same for you—as long as you take the time to uncover it.
Of all the things that go into starting and running a business, getting clear on your “why” is definitely worth every second of the time investment spent.