If there is one thing that I have become more aware of in this last year is the need for presence. Being present in everything that we do will bring out the best of what we do. Each moment, then, holds true meaning and value. We set ourselves up for success by being available to each project, task, or person that surrounds us.
MyIntent.org, a meaningful intentions project, found me at the right time. My intent piece has served as a catalyst for meaningful conversations, positivity, and success.
How does it work? Simply choose one word that will remind yourself of your intention that is then hand engraved into a wearable piece of art. Simple.
It wasn’t easy choosing just ONE word. I made lists, crossed words off the lists. Meditated about my lists. Talked to my dogs and even my 3 year old about my lists. Until, finally, it came to me. That ONE word! ..and it didn’t come in any of my lists! It found me.
mindful /ˈmaɪndfʊl/
Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.
For me, to be mindful is to be aware, present, positive and engaging. I continue to strengthen my focus of mindfulness through my meditation and yoga practice each week. Ultimately bringing me back to center. By setting ONE meaningful intent for this year I am inspired to give my all to everything that I do. To give my full self, in each moment, to the people that surround me.
Is it time for you to set an intent? Start positive conversations? Do you want to find your strengths and grow just a little more this year? Start with these two questions;
What do you want more of in your life?
What is a challenge you want to overcome?
Our team can help you discover what your true intent is and help you use that to build your personal brand. Please contact us to start your brand discovery.