At brandiD, we love finding things to celebrate, daily. What we love even more? When we get to celebrate a personal brand coming to life online. The brandiD celebrates column here on the blog spotlights the launch of our clients’ online headquarters.

Today, we’re singing happy (online) birthday to Peak Career & Success Coaching, LLC and chatting with founder Bill Bergau.
Bill is a certified Jack Canfield Success Principles Trainer, guiding business leaders and teams to create a vision, set and reach breakthrough goals, and take action.
Happy (online) birthday, Bill!
Tell our readers: What was the main challenge Peak was facing prior to working with brandiD?
I didn’t have a brand and was contemplating various domain names. I wanted and needed to create my website, message, and ultimately brand from scratch. I attempted this myself but quickly realized I did not have the capability, knowledge, or time to accomplish what I envisioned.
Bill’s coaching style and certifications contribute to his unique approach to coaching and it was important that his differentiators were clear on the home page and through his domain name.
What were you most looking to get out of partnering with brandiD?
A terrific website, an impactful message, and ultimately, valued clients!
What did you uncover about Peak while working with brandiD?
I originally sought to work with young adults: college and high school students, as well as adults in career transition. I ultimately discovered that a more suitable audience is the business person, and the businesses they operate and run. This group has a true need for my emotional intelligence, success principles, and leadership development and coaching certification and skills.
What did you enjoy most about the process of working with the brandiD team?
The daily updates and interactions. I knew exactly what happened that day, what was needed, and what was being worked on to accomplish the ultimate goals. I was impressed with the team dynamic of brandiD, the thoroughness of the group, and their follow through.
We know it’s early, but what results, if any, have you seen from working with brandiD?
I have a place for business people to find validation of me, and what I do. In time — hopefully a short time — people will find my services through my website as well, and I can gain satisfied and fulfilled customers.
What would you tell others about working with the brandiD team?
The brandiD team is wonderful! Everyone works together well, shares accomplishments and goals, brings the entire team in on the project and timelines, and understands the goals of the project.
It’s your internet birthday — how do you feel + what’s your favorite way to celebrate? 🙂
Feeling awesome! Send cash…or enjoy a delicious meal, a day at the beach, and quality time with family and friends.
Thank you, Bill, for working with us to make the web more personal. ⛱
Learn more about Bill’s work at today.