Times are tough for many economically. People and companies are trying to stretch their budgets and do more with less – less people, less time, less money. Here are 5 tactics to to build your online brand if you have no blog site and no budget.

- Comment on other people’s blog posts. Who are the leaders in your industry? Identify them, follow them and then start to make thoughtful, consistent comments on their posts. Over time everyone recognizes and values a fan as long as they’re adding to the conversation.
- Create a Facebook Fan Page for your business. You can start out by uploading your logo to the avatar. Post a well-shot video (doesn’t have to be professionally shot). Get active on Facebook – it’s the #1 social media tool by leaps and bounds
- Recently delivered a presentation? Turn it into an e-book and offer it up on your Facebook Fan page for free or for a moderate amount of money.
- If you have a sizable list offer to host a seminar by a credible resource on a particular topic that your target audience can benefit from. Ex: If you’re an online marketing specialist get a LinkedIn specific resource to talk about his / her expertise
- Comment on blogs hosted by MAJOR third parties such as theNew York Times, The Wall Street Journal, People Magazine, USA Today – some of the biggest news brands on the web. These have lots of Google juice.