One of the most famous “citizen journalists” in the world right now is, Sohaib Athar who inadvertently Tweeted Osama Bin Laden’s death as it was happening. Athar, who can be found @ReallyVirtual, realized at some point on Monday that there was a connection between the helicopter sounds he was Tweeting about and United States President Barack Obama’s remarks on Sunday evening.

The Wall Street Journal wrote about Athar and his Tweet’s. You can read the entire article by clicking here.
Of course, once I read about Athar I began to follow him on Twitter @ReallyVirtual and had to see those Tweets with my own eyes. Athar’s Twitter following is nearly at 105,000 (at the time of this posting) an increase of 104,250 since Sunday night! Poor guy, it wasn’t bad enough that he was Osama Bin Laden’s neighbor but now he is getting hounded from global media. In response he wrote and posted this FAQ.
Isn’t it amazing how life has evolved with tools like Twitter and Facebook? These two social media tools have been used to organize events like the recent riots in Cairo, Egypt. Account holders have used the tools to communicate with their friends and family in times of great tragedy such as the tornadoes in Alabama, and the earthquakes and resulting tsunami in Japan.
Talk about globalization, real-time updates, breaking down barriers of all kinds – it’s astounding.