Have you heard it before? You know… the advice.

“Niche down and focus on one thing.”
While there’s nothing wrong with that advice, it doesn’t necessarily cater to those who are passionate about many things.
That begs the question… “If I’m mulitpassionate, then how do I thrive?”
What does “multipassionate” even mean?
Let’s first clarify what truly being multipassionate is NOT.
It is not procrastination.
It is not scatterbrained.
It is not a commitment problem.
It is not master of none.
Sometimes this term, “multipassionate” can get confused with the terms above, but here’s the thing…
People who are truly multipassionate get things done. That’s not to say there may be a learning curve in the beginning or “stuck” points along the way.
If you consider yourself scatterbrained and unable to take action on anything because you’re so overwhelmed by the amount of ideas you have percolating in your head, then finding the right kind of support to propel you forward is your best first step.
Okay, now that that’s covered, what does it mean to be a multipassionate person?
- You don’t want to feel trapped doing one thing
- You want to explore different avenues that spark curiosity and excitement
- You have ideas you can’t wait to take action on
If that sounds like you… then you’re not alone. And although at points it can feel overwhelming (and nearly impossible) to do a myriad of things in your career, it is possible.
How to Succeed as a Multipassionate Entrepreneur
So how are you supposed to actually succeed at this whole multipassionate entrepreneur thing anyways?
1. Stop thinking and take action
If you become overwhelmed by the many things you want to start pursuing.. The best piece of advice I can give you is to take action. You will quickly learn which passions you truly love and want to continue on with and which you can toss aside.
But you’ll never know if you don’t actually go and make it happen. Sure, you might have to find people in your network or even build an entirely new network to get your questions answered and figure out the best way to take action, but don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you.
2. Hone in on your goals and set realistic expectations
I can’t emphasize this one enough… It’s important that the passions you decide to pursue align with your overall life goals.
Not to say you can’t end up trying all of your passions, but starting with the ones that will get you to your goals quicker is a great place to start.
On top of that, be sure to set realistic expectations for each of your goals and passions. Nothing is an overnight success (unless you blow up on TikTok), and most things take patience and a bit of grit and persistence to get things off the ground.
Find out if you can merge your passions
If you have many skill sets and passions, is there a way you can combine them? For example, if you have a successful personal brand where you provide value to your audience and you also want to dabble in the e-commerce space, is there something of value you can create for your audience?
At brandiD, our focus is helping entrepreneurs identify their unique personal brand, so they can confidently present their business to the world. On the other hand, I am also passionate about helping young people find direction and purpose in their lives. Using the skills at brandiD have helped me create MyPath101, a platform that helps high school and college students shape their future.
4. Clarify your personal brand
By gaining clarity in your personal brand, you will be able to understand your values, your vision, and your mission, which will help you move forward with precision. Your personal brand is what helps you explore different passions while also staying true to who you are at the core.
Curious about building your personal brand? We’re here to help over at brandiD.
About The Author
Rachel Gogos is a multi-passionate entrepreneur with a strong desire to help people by creating strong personal brands and businesses. She’s personally launched dozens of books, e-products, and services; and hundreds of products and services with her clients. She started her career at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, where she helped create the look and feel for the organization’s first website.
Today, in her current role running brandiD, Rachel channels over 15 years of marketing and communications experience into each and every website for brandiD’s clients.
And check out her book, Build Your Brand: The Distinctive Guide to Soul-Based Marketing. It will help you uncover your personal brand.