At brandiD, we love finding things to celebrate, daily. What we love even more? When we get to celebrate a personal brand coming to life online. The brandiD Celebrates column here on the blog spotlights the launch of our clients’ online headquarters.
Today we’re singing happy (online) birthday to and chatting with its founder, Gina Kohn.
Gina Kohn is an artisan who has turned her passion for the past into a handbag and home goods business. She came to brandiD looking for a cohesive brand for her company, American Glory Style, as well as a stunning and user-friendly website to sell her products.
Happy (online) birthday, Gina! We’d love to share a bit about your experience with our readers. Tell us, what was the main problem you were facing prior to working with brandiD?
My previous website was an absolute mess. I don’t think my customers knew exactly what I was selling until they actually dove into it, and even then it was a little difficult to find things. I was really embarrassed to tell people my website name because of this.
I wanted a website that had an identity, one that represented my company and expressed its fullest potential. Plus, I wanted help honing in on the identity, focus, flavor and direction of my company.
What did you uncover about your brand/business while working with brandiD?
I uncovered that besides handbags, I could expand into home goods — giving me a whole new range of products to offer.
What did you enjoy most about the process of working with the brandiD team?
Rachel gave me the confidence to stand out in front of my business, rather than working from behind the scenes. She also helped me continue to push forward in downtimes or when I felt like I wasn’t creative enough when looking at my competitors.
We know it’s early, but what results have you seen from working with brandiD?
I’ve gained more confidence, direction, foresight, and bold new goals.
What would you tell others about working with the brandiD team?
Working with brandiD was the best thing I ever did. Rachel has all the tools to make you think about the direction you want to move towards, the goals you want to accomplish, how to expand your business, and how to focus and know exactly what you and your company’s purpose is.
Whereas before I was embarrassed by my old site, my new site is an announcement I want to write in the sky!
It’s your internet birthday…how do you feel and what’s your favorite way to celebrate?
It’s a new beginning! I’m going to place some advertisements in a couple of magazines and notify all of my followers to take a peek at my absolutely gorgeous new website!