Think about a time you called your cell phone, cable, or health insurance company, or any of your major service providers.
Most likely, you dialed their number and a robotic, automated voice answered the call and began taking you through a menu of options.
It probably sounded something like this:
For information about your account, press 1.
For new claims, press 2.
For existing claims, press 3.
To return to the main menu, press 4.
At best, interacting with those automated menus can be a non-distinct experience. At worst, it can be super annoying and leave you feeling grouchy. (No, for the fifth time, that is NOT my last name!!!)
But then sometimes, a miracle happens: you get just the right person on the other end of the line.
You know the one—that customer service representative who gets on the phone and is just awesome.
They introduce themselves right away, ask how you’re doing and have the most pleasant, professional, and “you’re in good hands” voice you’ve ever heard.
Instantly, their voice shifts your mood. You know this is the perfect person to answer all of your questions and the task you needed to complete when you made the call is definitely going to be checked off your to-do list.
That’s the power of a great voice. A personable, relatable, and approachable human voice makes a HUGE difference in building connections for your brand or business (and just in general, too!).
The power of voice extends to so much more than just the phone, however. Voice is extremely important in ANY communication you make with your customer, either written or in-person.
One big opportunity to build connections through voice is in your website copy.
If you’re not intentional about it, website copy can SO easily turn into a dry, personality-less, “just the facts, ma’am” rundown of your products and services, akin to the robotic, automated voice mentioned above.
But when you ARE intentional about it—and infuse your own unique voice and personality into your website copy—it’s like having that awesome customer service rep pick up the phone.
Except, of course, it’s on your website.
Copy with voice invites readers into your business, makes them feel like they’re dealing with a real human, engages them in an online conversation, and helps them see they’re in good hands.
Website copy with voice invites readers into your business, makes them feel like they’re dealing with a real human, engages them in an online conversation, and helps them see they’re in good hands. Read more: Share on XYou build a connection with them, as well as increase their confidence that you’re the right person for them to work with.
So how do you infuse more voice into your website copy? Start with these three things:
- Pay attention to how you talk about your business and/or services to other people. You can even record yourself talking about them if it helps!
- Take note of the specific language you use to describe your business and/or services. What unique phrases or words do you use to describe them and how they help people?
- Look for portions of your website copy you can tweak to include your own unique language. Start with your homepage, and then go from there. When you find areas that sound dry or overly “businessy,” reword them to use the phrases or wording you uncovered in step 2—words that sound uniquely you.
Your website copy holds just as much potential for connection as having a conversation over the phone.
By infusing your voice into your copy, you’re building a connection that’s authentic and personable while inviting people in to take a deeper look at your business—as well as the awesome owner who created it!