Promoting your brand on Facebook is a great way to build a community with your customers. Our guide below shows what not to do when interacting with your customers. Do not…

Create posts only to sell your product
Customer’s know what products you are selling (They are fans after all). Facebook is not your retail outlet. Too many posts for your product, will have customers viewing your posts as just noise. Instead, share content that brands you as an expert in your field. It’s ok to remind your customers of your offers, but keep it limited to about 20% of your posts.
Share too frequently
Ever hear the phrase, “Too much of a good thing…,” so has everyone else. Your brand is important, but customers don’t want to see it every time they check Facebook. Research shows that 73% of users have “unliked” a page for posting too frequently.1 Keep your posts to 1-2 per day with a frequency of 1-4 times per week.
Ignore customer comments
Customers “like” brands to interact and feel connected. Ignoring these customers’ posts gives fans a sense of indifference and disappointment (No one wants to be a disappointment). Responding within 1 hour of a post is optimal, but within 24 hours is acceptable. Even if the comment is bad, it still needs to be acknowledged. Don’t try and solve it in public though. Instead, try and come to a resolution in private to avoid more negative attention. By interacting with customers, it encourages further interaction and higher brand engagement.
Pay for likes
There are plenty of companies that offer likes for dollars. Don’t do it. These fake numbers dilute your real numbers and Facebook’s display algorithm will only see the low engagement. Lower engagement means your posts will not be displayed as often to your customers. Still want to grow your “likes”? Send email campaigns stating your Facebook presence or offer deals to fans.
Write too much
Have some insightful long winded post? Save it for your blog (You do have a blog, right?). Long Facebook posts get skipped over without even a TL;DR being posted in the comments. Keep your posts to 80 characters or less to increase engagement. Short posts have 66% more engagement than ones over 80 characters.
Use a Profile instead of a Page
Facebook will shut down profiles run by businesses without warning. You don’t want to lose all your posts and hard work. Using a Page has additional benefits, like ads, apps and unlimited connections. As a business, Facebook states that you cannot use a Profile for commercial use.
By following these tips, you’ll be able to get more “likes” and interact with your customers. Looking for better branding for your Facebook and other social media? Contact brandiD for a social media marketing strategy.
Sources: Image