Manisha Thakor is excited to help you achieve financial freedom. But unlike a lot of so-called financial gurus, she begins in an unexpected place: Your feelings around money.
Manisha believes that finance doesn’t have to be complicated-you can unpack your emotional barriers, simplify your life and ultimately pursue your life’s purpose using money.
Manisha Thakor, CFA, CFP, is the founder of MoneyZen, a boutique financial wellbeing consultancy. A 25-year veteran of the financial services industry, her work has been featured in: The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, CNN, CNBC, Womens Health and Real Simple. Manisha sits on the board of The National Endowment for Financial Education and has authored two personal finance books for young women. Manisha earned her MBA from Harvard Business School and her BA from Wellesley College.
Having worked for 25+ years in the predominantly (white) male financial services industry, Manisha has come to see firsthand how important it is to empower women to achieve financial wellbeing. She ardently believes that money gives women voices and choices.
What’s your money story?
Rather than just diving into your financial history, Manisha wants you to dig deeper into how you feel about money. How did your family discuss finances when you were growing up? What limiting beliefs might you have adopted about scarcity or wealth? The answers to these questions might shed new light on your journey with money as an adult and reveal the secrets to setting yourself financially free.
What is financial freedom?
To Manisha, financial freedom is all about choices. When you create financial freedom for yourself, you have the ability to explore your interests, protect your investments and avoid toxic situations. It all starts with your money story!
“My mission is to help people fight through the abundance of information to help people arrive at calm, confidence and clarity around their personal finances.”
“The biggest tool I have found is your money stories, and your money history. I advise corporate clients to do something called money circles, where you get together around certain topics…mostly to talk about money feelings and what’s blocking you. People work through their gunk and are able to actually make decisions.”
“Emotional wealth comes down to simplicity, small joys and financial independence.”
“Financial independence is the ability to extract myself from any situation that is toxic to me.”
“The number one thing I get asked daily is, how can I find trustworthy guidance and advice for my situation?”
“Financial health doesn’t mean that you’re always chasing more, more, more. That gets you into a never-enough mindset.”
Links mentioned in this episode:

Podcast Resources
Check out the MoneyZen website:
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Manisha references Courtney Carver’s 333 method for simplifying for life. You can explore it here:
Manisha discussed Jean Chatzky’s Her Money Media website. You can check it out here:
She also highly recommends Carl Richards’ weekly newsletter, Behavior Gap (modeled after his book, Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing Dumb Things with Money). You can receive it here:

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