Meet Agapi Stassinopoulos
Agapi Stassinopoulos is a best-selling author and speaker and currently conducts workshops for Thrive Global, a company founded by her sister, Arianna Huffington to change the way we live and work.
Agapi’s goal: to set you off on an epic spiritual journey.
Inspired by connection to the divine, Agapi invites us to explore what divinity means to us as we live our purpose as founders and entrepreneurs. Her latest book teaches us how to invite prayer into our daily lives.
She encourages us to transcend perfectionism, fear, self-doubt and stagnation in order to arrive at a mindset of trust, confidence and abundance.
Struggling with purpose?
Agapi was not immediately a successful performer and author, and her struggles threatened to derail her goals.
As she received rejections in the world of creative arts, Agapi began to question her ambitions.
But at the pivotal moment when she could have given up on her aspirations to become an actor, she instead made a decision: to live her life on her terms. She decided to devote herself to innerwork and discover her true values, confidence and voice.
Now, she teaches you to do the same.
Are you waiting for permission?
We often subconsciously wait for someone to give us permission to live and work as we want to.
Agapi began exploring what it would mean to be her own best ally–and rely on her connection to God as she took personal and professional risks.
Her bestselling books were written to help you cultivate your own relationship with a higher entity and infuse faith into your life’s journey.
The power of prayer…
Agapi Stassinopoulos’ NEW book “Speaking with Spirit: 52 Prayers to Inspire and Uplift You” will serve to help you navigate life’s obstacles.
Written during the early days of the pandemic, Agapi offers prayers for specific challenges of business, friendship, family, partnership and creative inspiration.
If you feel alone as an entrepreneur, listen to this interview with Agapi to refresh and renew your spirit.
“If you think you’re doing life on your own, please stop and reconsider. Consider the miracle of your life.”
“I arrived at this place where I am now…because I wasn’t getting what I wanted in the world.”
“The purpose is not to gain the degrees, to create businesses and projects… the purpose is, has this been used to wake me up, and to serve others?”
Links mentioned in this episode:

Podcast Resources
Visit her website, Wake Up to the Joy of You.
Purchase her latest bestselling book, Speaking with Spirit: 52 Prayers to Guide, Inspire, and Uplift You.
See all of her current publications on her website.
Explore the Thrive Global website and current offerings.
Receive inspiration and VIP event invites from Agapi and her team by subscribing to the mailing list.

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