Compelling website headlines should focus on your customer’s needs and desires to capture the attention of your target audience in 7 seconds or less.
In today’s microsode, take a trip down memory lane to explore how The brandiD’s website headline has evolved as the company has grown.
It’s important to continually shift your copy to speak to your ever-changing audience, and differentiate yourself from your competitors.
Of course, The brandiD is continually changing as well!
Listen in to hear about the evolution….

“It shouldn’t be about you, it should be about your ideal customer, and what their kind of deepest desire is and why they would come to you for it.”
“For anyone struggling and wanting to write their own homepage copy, I highly recommend that book “StoryBrand” and highly recommend the formula for writing homepage copy as a whole.”
“The core of our work was truly making websites more personal, more in a person’s voice.”
“If there’s anything tech does, it really kind of takes away the humanity piece unless we inject ourselves into it.”
“With all these headlines, we’re really trying to encourage people to lean into their greatest asset or in their greatest differentiator, which is themselves. ”
“The goal is just to get somebody to pause and keep reading. And we do look at our competitor’s sites when we write our own copy, because we want to make sure we differentiate enough from what others are saying. So we can sound unique within our own space too.”
“You continually have to shift your copy and your positioning to speak to your up-leveling audience.”
“For anyone listening to this, who struggles with a headline, we do too. I mean, we are always constantly tweaking and tweaking and even after the new website will go live, you know, we’re still in there adjusting it and creating nuances.”
“We write headlines, and we think it needs to do a whole bunch of things, but it just needs to compel the person to read the next sentence.”

Links mentioned in this episode:
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Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller:
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