A Goal Roadmap transforms ambitious dreams into achievable milestones, breaking them down into clear tasks and deadlines. This structured approach ensures you remain focused and motivated, even when your goals seem distant.
Defining a long-term vision involves envisioning the ultimate outcome, considering the legacy you wish to create, and then reverse-engineering actionable goals.
Many brandiD clients aspire to deliver a TED or TEDx talk as a prime example of this process. Key steps include identifying local TEDx events, aligning the speech theme with the event’s focus, and finally rehearsing. While preparing for such an opportunity may seem daunting—from crafting the message to attending to details like what you should wear and possibly hiring a speaking coach—the career benefits, including enhanced visibility and credibility, can be profound.
Key Takeaways:
- The importance of breaking big goals into manageable steps.
- Preparing for a TEDx talk as a structured goal example.
- Balancing structured planning with openness to spontaneity in long-term vision.
- The impact of persistence and consistent effort over time.
- Maintaining motivation and adapting goals amid challenges.

“Many of us struggle with achieving goals that seem to be a long ways out. And we need help breaking them down into small bite sized pieces. So the goal’s roadmap is simply taking every single goal and breaking it down to all the action items, all the tactics you have to take to actually meet that goal.”
“When you have it broken down, you can set deadlines for each task, and start working towards that bigger, bigger goal that seems a little bit lofty at times, or seems a little bit far into the future.”
“One of the most common goals that many of our clients have is delivering a TED talk or a TEDx talk.”
“Sometimes it helps to think about the much longer-term vision of, you know, when you’re 70, or 80 years old, what do you want people to be saying about you?”
“The longer term that you think, and think about the impact you want to make in life, think about how you want to leave people feeling, think about what your obituary might even say about you, then work backwards.”
“It’s great to long term plan, but make sure you leave time for God’s divine inspiration, leave time for spontaneity”
“Pray to get clarity around what your goals are, around what your impact should be, around what your purpose is here, what you’re here to do in your one wild and short life.”
“One other tactic around goal setting, it’s like dividing your life into a pie, right? One piece of the pie could be family, one piece, could be faith, one piece could be health and wellness. Another one is professional. Another one could be personal relationships, like romantic life. So you can define your pie, again, by figuring out, these are the parts of my life that are so important that I want to pay attention to.”

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